Lil Shab Lake

Enclosed is our deposit for our trip to Lil Shab on June 10th. We had a fantastic trip last year and can't wait to get there again! Regards, Mark, Ankeny, IA

Jeanie and I just wanted to say thanks to you all for our recent visit to Lil Shab. Steve and Sandy, Jeanie and myself were there from July 28 through August 5th. I have attached a couple of pictures you might enjoy...there are many more we could send but I don't now what your limit is on file sizes. Again, please accept and forward our thanks to everyone. We had a super vacation! Raleigh, Indianapolis, IN

Lil Shab Lake

A fantastic fishing lake with a brand new 3 bedroom cabin with large deck area, looking over the Canadian wilderness. This lake is located about 200 miles northwest of our airbase. We have the only cabin on this lake. Lil Shab is noted for its great fast action walleye fishing and its big northerns of over 15 pounds.

2022 Fishing Rates
Party of 4-5 $1875 ea. U.S.
Party of 6 or more $1775 ea. U.S.