
  • As in the past we would like to have the food package. Your supplies have always been more than adequate. If there is a cancellation on any reservation to Moberly Lake in june, please let me know. We had terrific success there last year.
    Jerry, Kansas City, MO
  • Granite Lake is the best northern pike lake I have ever fished. Need to do that one again! Enclosed is deposit for next year. Take care and enjoy the holidays.
    John, Orlando Park, IL
  • Our group flew in to Mink Lake last year in early September. We all agreed it was the best fishing experience we ever had. One of our group members previously did fly-ins and most of our group have fished in Canada for several years. We were impressed with the accommodations, the fishing and the professionalism of your pilots and staff. We are looking forward to another adventure. Enclosed is our deposit.
    Bill, Oshkosh, WI